As part of the Texas Pedestrian Safety Coalition—an ongoing project funded by the Texas Department of Transportation’s Traffic Safety Program and administered by the Texas A&M Transportation Institute’s Center for Transportation Safety—pedestrian safety stakeholders indicated that a barrier to improved coordination is a lack of awareness regarding the many pedestrian safety projects and activities throughout the state. The Texas Pedestrian Safety Coalition strives to improve coordination among pedestrian safety stakeholders, and as such, coalition members identified the need for a website that helps stakeholders learn more about best practices, projects, programs, and activities that improve pedestrian safety across the State of Texas. The Center for Transportation Safety funded the development and the ongoing maintenance of the Texas Pedestrian Safety Resource Library (TPSRL). The TPSRL is a carefully curated, but comprehensive collection of pedestrian safety resources that will be useful to a wide variety of pedestrian safety stakeholders. The TPSRL will be updated with new resources on a monthly basis, so if you have a resource you would like to include, you can submit here.